Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kembara Silam- Winter Sotona: Southampton

Click here -Winter Sotona: 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004: "1 October 2004, a day Kak Ani'll never forget. To keep the memory alive, an unknown photographer and a co-photoghapher had been filming her throughout the day. Look!! She's obviously ready to face the ultimate PhD (permanent head damage some say) challenge. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan Kak Ani.. Ameen"

e-FPKCircle: "I would say that I was fortunate to have a quite pleasant journey (but not without some tears!!!). It was all with Allah’s willing. The guidance and support from my supervisor; the friendship and encouragement from friends; the prayers and love from family meant so much to me. This journey of getting the credit of the 'Dr' title has been so worthwhile because it teaches me about perseverance, patience and humility. I take the reward of my PhD as a new beginning to what I hope to achieve in life and to feel closer to the Almighty Creator, Allah S.W.T."

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